HOMECorporate InformationCorporate Vision


Kinoshita Fishing Net Mfg. Co., Ltd. was established in 1933 as net plant specializing in net manufacturing and sales. Since its inception, the company has expanded around the manufacture and sale of materials for “food”-based industries such as fishing and agriculture. Based on a company culture that places chief importance on the relationship between the manufacturing setting and the customer, Kinoshita has created a well-connected domestic and international network, especially throughout the fishing industry. At the same time, it has also emphasized product development for areas in the “shelter” sphere, including construction and lifestyle resources.
To be the kind of manufacturer that the community needs, Kinoshita maintains consistent high quality, continues to develop its own production system, and devotes maximum effort to acquiring and applying the latest technologies. As a company, our greatest joys are being recognized as one of Japan’s valuable manufacturing resources and being able to help our customers.
As time goes on, industrial powers will continue to spring up and grow, while others fade away. However, as mentioned above, “food” and “shelter” are two crucial components of human life, and an “evolving manufacturing industry” is one of the most important themes for Kinoshita. We want to continue to be a company that makes aggressive, proactive efforts toward the future.
